Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Luke has begun to look forward to our evening gardening. The 3 dollar each sturdy metal kid gardening equipment was money well spent. He climbs up the "mountain" ( the pile of dirt left from when the state came and dug our ditches and my husband asked to keep it - and three years later it is still in my front yard -ugh!) and digs and then comes and keeps me company. He loves to give the plants a "shower" with our very cool watering can. We are still trying to keep him from walking on the plants and training to walk around instead. Progress is slow.... Hopefully between the insects, weeds, and Luke the garden will be worth all the time and money that we have put into it. For now though we enjoy having the time with the kids without TV or phone - just the warm evening sun, dirt and conversation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kym- Maura forwarded the site today, and with the early dismissal I have had time to look through your passages. What a tribute to your family- just wonderful!! Indeed Luke has been a blessing in my life. I'll forward the site to Peg.
Blessings to you ALL!