Saturday, May 1, 2010


Luke is almost done with first grade and he has made great strides. He has such a hunger to learn. He can't get enough of his "homework" books, you know those workbooks that you buy from the store for extra practice? He carries them in the car and around the house. Our big challenge now is learning to read. His teacher tells me that comprehension isn't a factor, just putting all the letter information together and recalling it. So we will continue to plug ahead at home and will look for a tutor this summer that hopefully will give him the extra boost that he needs.
He is playing Coach Pitch Baseball now, we were blessed with an awesome coach. Coach Mike and his assistants are amazingly patient with the kids... what a blessing he has been. Luke is doing fine, I recognize that professional baseball will probably not be in his future, but what he lacks in skill he makes up for in enthusiasm!! When he is tired of being in the outfield he creates his own game.... He chases the other players as they run the bases. Then there is the old standby of sand castle building and making your own dust storm. He's happy and most of the other players are doing the same things. I'm just glad that the  other team parents take this level of play for what it is... FUN!
More and more I am noticing what I had hoped to avoid, kids being mean to my kid because he was different. Ugh... it hurt. Luke didn't seem to understand that they meant what they were doing to be unkind and I was grateful to be able to steer him to another activity without any harm done. I was also grateful to know those childrens parents and know that they were the caliber of people who would deal with their child's behavior, not excuse it or encourage it. Luke didn't seem to notice being treated unkindly, but when another situation began to arise with different children and I said to him, "Don't play with them, Luke, they will be mean to you." He understood and found other playmates.
His health is good, fighting off a cough, but we all are. Great news! His back seems to be straightening on its own! Our last ortho check up was a super surprise!! Thank you Lord!
He is wonderful, sweet, funny, and a pill all wrapped up in one package. He drives us crazy, but we'll deal with it all to have the amazing kid that comes with it!

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