Thursday, February 6, 2014

For the first time we heard, "I gotta be handsome..".for a GIRL...THAT WASN'T HIS MOM! He was going to dance for Olivia and show her all "his moves" (he says this while wiggling his bottom back and forth). Oh the joy and pain of having your last munchkin growing up. NOV 2013


kristin said...

I just read your blog. Thank you for writing it. I am 25 weeks pregnant and the baby was diagnosed with dwv. I am extremely nervous. Your story is uplifting and I can only pray for that kind of strength.

Dandy Walker Mom said...

I don't blame you! It is so scary!! There are a lot of resources out there. There is a facebook group "dandy walker parents" and you can post here anytime (I will update my email so I get comments sooner!!). Your gonna love that baby, don't you worry.