Thursday, April 17, 2008


A few weeks of insane behavior following a bad ear infection is a pretty sure sign for us that Luke has an ear problem, not any infection noticible to the docs, but fluid (sometimes spottable sometimes not), behind the ears and I am strongly suspecting that his tubes are out because I am not seeing any drainage. After a visit to the nearest Children's Hospital where his doc is and two adults to hold him down the doctor finally got a look at his ears and sure enough tubes were out. We scheduled another surgery for as soon as possible but it is not nearly soon enough....
When asked to put the phone away, "No!" "You do it!", When TOLD to put the phone away, "Did you hear me? What I say? No!" When the countdown to the showdown was given he stomps off, slams the phone down says, "Doodness dracious!" and goes to the nearest door he can find (our bedroom door) and slams it for good measure. We then look at our 14 year old and say, "You have taught him well..." Luke is crying and whining instead of talking, can't seem to get his world right side up and we are about to lose our minds, all of us, from my husband and I to Charlie the dog.... How much longer till the surgery?

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